Take an intentional pause to honor the quiet stillness of the longest night and rekindle your inner light.
Join Michele & Nicole for a spacious 2.5 hour gentle & candlelit Restorative yoga practice with hands-on healing.
This sweet practice will open you to the essence of the winter solstice, inviting you to slow down, unwinding before you settle into supported stillness of long-held Restorative postures. During the Restorative poses, you may receive Reiki and/or massage to support your inner calm and relaxation. The practice will conclude with a full yoga nidra guided meditation.
People of all backgrounds, levels, sizes, and ages are welcome. No yoga experience is necessary; simply come as you are with the willingness to be still and compassionately present with yourself. Students may opt in or out of hands-on at any time during the practice.
Participants should dress in warm, comfortable layers, and are requested to bring an eye cover, cozy socks, and a favorite blanket.
Pre-registration required and recommended early; space is limited to 10 (and usually fills well in advance).