Savor an evening of pre-holiday spaciousness and nourish your whole self.
Join Michele & Nicole for a balancing 2-hour movement & Restorative yoga practice with Reiki.
This soulful, regenerative practice will help you to s-l-o-w down, unwind, relieve stress, and nourish your well-being. You will be guided through mindful active asana (movement), simple pranayama (breathwork), and seated meditation. Then, you’ll settle into the stillness of restful Restorative poses. During the Restorative part of the practice, Reiki will be offered to enhance your inner calm and relaxation. We will close the practice with setting an intention for the season ahead.
People of all backgrounds, levels, sizes, and ages are welcome. No yoga experience is necessary. Students may opt in or out of hands-on at any time during the practice.
Participants should dress in warm, comfortable layers, and are requested to bring an eye cover, cozy socks, and your favorite blanket.
Pre-registration required; space is limited to 12.