Tending Your Inner Fire – Digesting Food and Life

September 28, 3:00-6:00pm


Class Type: Live at Studio

Yoga + Ayurveda

Register for Event

Registration deadline: 09/26/2024 at 10:00 am

Healthy eating is key for the health of body, mind, and energetic balance, but it is not enough if digestive function is weakened. In Ayurveda, agni is the word for fire, which is regarded as a transformative force. Agni is what transforms and assimilates what we are taking in – from the food we eat, our life experiences, and thoughts.

A strong and steady digestive fire ensures that the tissues of the body are nourished, toxins are removed from the body, and energy is properly fueled. When agni is low, undigested matter accumulates and begins to congeal into a sticky sludge (ama) leading to physical, mental, emotional and energetic imbalances.

Some signs imbalance include: fatigue, lethargy, the need to take a nap after eating, body aches, brain fog, poor appetite, belly bloat, acne, frequent burping or gas, irregular bowel movements, dry skin, bad breath, skin rashes, indigestion, etc.

Tending to your digestive fire is essential for vibrant health, keeping energy circulating steadily, and promoting optimal immunity.

In this class you will learn:

How to listen to what your digestive system is communicating to you.
Why tuning into Nature’s rhythms supports digestive health.
Foods, eating & lifestyle practices to boost your belly fire and burn the sludge.
Holistic approaches to address common signs of imbalance.
Yoga asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork), and meditation to support agni.

Increased awareness fuels more informed choices. Whether you are currently experiencing signs of digestive imbalance, or want to deepen your understanding of how to keep your inner fire burning brightly for optimal health, energy, and longevity – this class is for you!

What students will need for class:
Wear comfortable clothing
Something to write on and pen/pencil
A yoga mat
Closed-top beverage vessel

All participants will receive a foundational digestive wellness care kit and guide to start integrating the practices at home.

Registration closes on Thursday, 9/27 at 10pm. (10% off studio member discount – those who are on autopay or 1 year pre paid plan). No refund, studio credit only.

Click here to learn more about Michele.


Michele Trump