Wheel of the Year Series
Sound Bath work puts us into theta brainwave state which makes us more open to downloads, insights, awareness, and intuition, and see and sense through the veil of the unknown into the deeper wisdom.
2 – 3 hours total, depending on offering, including opening circle, Sabbat teachings, meditation, ritual, spinal movement, hypnosis, energy work and sound bath, breathwork and sound bath, closing circle.
Janelle Leonard is a Sound Healer, trained Opera Singer & Violist, Völva, Norse Shamanism Seiðr Practitioner, Norse Pagan, Tibetan Buddhist, Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, SOMA Neuromuscular Integration®, and CranioSacral Practitioner. She has over 20 years of experience in her field of study and professional interests.
Comfortable clothing suggested. Bring water bottle, journal, yoga mat, blanket, pillow or bolster, eye covering, altar contribution.
We will be using nature-based formulations during the event by the powerful and exquisite Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary.
2023 dates
*registration is live 30 days before the session
February 5 – Imbolc
March 26 – Ostara
April 30 – Beltane, click here to register